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natural variation in uv-ag贵宾会

natural variation in uv-b protection amongst arabidopsis thalianaaccessions

pronounced altitudinal and latitudinal uv-b gradients exist across the earth. therefore, we hypothesised that plants from different geographic origins differ in the regulation and/or magnitude of uv-protection. eight arabidopsis accessions with different geographic origins (altitude between 32 and 3016 m) were raised under photosynthetic active radiation (par), par uv-a or par uv-a uv-b radiation for 10 days, after which uv-b protection of photosynthesis was assessed by measuring the consequences of exposure to a pulse of acute uv-b. we found significant variation in uv-b protection among accessions exposed to par or par uv-a. yet, all accessions raised under par uv-a uv-b were well protected. thus, differences between accessions are not about uv-b protection per sé, but rather about regulation of uv-b protection which varies from constitutive to inducible by uv-a and/or uv-b. particularly striking are differential uv-a responses, whereby some high altitude accessions lack uv-a regulated accumulation of uv-absorbing pigments, but show a strong uv-a induced morphogenic response. the adaptive relevance of the differential regulation of uvprotection is discussed.

doi: 10.9755/ejfa.v24i6.14681

plants can adapt to local environmental conditions resulting in the evolution of ecotypes. where plants are exposed to gradients of particular environmental effectors, adaptation may give rise to a specific pattern of phenotypic diversity. arabidopsis thaliana is a variable species that is native to europe and central asia where it is exposed to a wide range of altitudinal, climatic, and edaphic conditions (koornneef et al., 2004). it is likely that at least some of the phenotypic variation in arabidopsis reflects local adaptation and has ecological significance (koornneef et al., 2004). phenotypic variation in arabidopsis has been identified in traits such as disease resistance, tolerance to oxidative stress, extreme temperatures, salt and drought, flowering time and morphology, biochemical make-up, growth rate and others (koornneef et al., 2004). analysis of such natural diversity can contribute to the identification of gene-function, but also inform about the ecological importance of particular traits. in recent years arabidopsis accessions have been used to study, among others, latitudinal clines for flowering time (stinchcombe et al., 2004; balasubramanian et al., 2006) , and red / far-red light responses (sten? ien et al., 2002) as well as a coastal cline for sodium accumulation (baxter et al., 2010).


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