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an airborne imaging multispectral polarimeter | 量子荧光|微型光纤光谱仪-ag贵宾会

an airborne imaging multispectral polarimeter

transport of sediment and organisms in rivers, estuaries and the near-shore ocean is dependent on the dynamics of waves, tides, turbulence, and the currents associated with these interacting bodies of water. we present measurements of waves, currents and turbulence from color and polarization remote sensing in these regions using our airborne remote optical spotlight system-multispectral polarimeter (aross-msp). aross-msp is a 12-channel sensor system that measures 4 color bands (rgb-nir) and 3 polarization states for the full linear polarization response of the imaged scene. color and polarimetry, from airborne remotely-sensed time-series imagery, provide unique information for retrieving dynamic environmental parameters relating to sediment transport processes over a larger area than is possible with typical in situ measurements. typical image footprints provide area coverage on the water surface on the order of 2 square kilometers with 2 m ground sample distance.

areté associates’ multispectral polarimeter, aross-msp, was designed, constructed and evaluated as part of an office of naval research (onr) small business innovative research (sttr) phase ii program. this prototype spectral imaging polarimeter can be used as a design surrogate for future sensor packages on organic usn/usmc uavs capable of simultaneous multispectral and polarimetric imagery. the sensor was designed to employ advanced, visible-band commercial off-the-shelf (cots) technology to support littoral-zone warfare mission products, and is based on the proven technology of the airborne remote optical spotlight system (aross) series of sensor packages. the suite of products that can be enhanced by a sensor of this type includes oceanographic and riverine characterization, as well as detection and characterization of stealthy or intrinsically low contrast targets.


")); 光纤光谱仪