the ability to appropriately modify physiological and morphological traits in response to temporal variation should increase wtness. we used recombinant hybrid plants generated by crossing taxa in the piriqueta caroliniana complex to assess the evects of individual leaf traits and trait plasticities on growth in a temporally variable environment. recombinant hybrids were used to provide a wide range of trait expression and to allow an assessment of the independent evects of individual traits across a range of genetic backgrounds. hybrid genotypes were replicated through vegetative propagation and planted in common gardens at archbold biological station in venus, florida, where they were monitored for growth, leaf morphological characters, and integrated water use eyciency (wue) (c isotope ratio; 13c) for two successive seasons. under wet conditions only leaf area had signiwcant evects on plant growth, but as conditions became drier, growth rates were greatest in plants with narrow leaves and higher trichome densities. plants with higher wue exhibited increased growth during the dry season but not during the wet season. wue during the dry season was increased for plants with smaller, narrower leaves that had higher trichome densities and increased rexectance. examination of alternative path models revealed that during the dry season leaf traits had signiwcant evects on plant growth only through their direct evects on wue, as estimated from 13c. over the entire growing season, plants with a greater ability to produce smaller and narrower leaves with higher trichome densities in response to reduced water availability had the greatest growth rate. these wndings suggest that plants making appropriate changes to leaf morphology as conditions became dry had increased wue, and that the ability to adjust leaf phenotypes in response to environmental variation is a mechanism by which plants increase wtness.
organisms that experience changing environments often respond by making physiological and morphological modi- wcations that avect their survival and reproduction. while phenotypic responses to temporal environmental variation are probably common and may be important for adaptation to variable environments (alpert and simms 2002; gomulkiewicz and kirkpatrick 1992; levins 1968; schlichting and pigliucci 1995), research on phenotypic plasticity has primarily focused on spatial variation (reviewed in pigliucci 2001), and relatively few studies examine phenotypic responses of individuals to changing environments (martinez-garza and howe 2005; winn 1996a, b). moreover, it has been diycult to demonstrate the adaptive value of phenotypic plasticity in response to wne-grained temporal variation (i.e., environmental variation experienced by individuals within a single growth cycle: miner and vonesh 2004; winn 1999). considering the wtness consequences of environmental variation within a single season is particularly appropriate for perennial plants since their sedentary nature precludes many avoidance responses (i.e., other than dormancy: harper 1977), and their modular organization enables phenotypic adjustments in “real time” as new modules develop under changing conditions (chu et al. 2006; de kroon et al. 2005; huber et al. 1999; sultan 2005; watson and casper 1984; white 1979).