due to the poor condition of soil and micro-climate condition, the mudstone area in the southwestern taiwan has been difficult for plants to grow. the area is always in such a bare condition that it is nicknamed “moon world.” serious erosion and natural disasters in the mudstone area are the significant problems for soil and water conservation, and the area of bald mudstones is expanding. statistical data show that bare area has increased 3 times during the past 10 years. the mudstone area in the southwestern taiwan was hard to plant and then it always in bare condition which got a nickname of the moon world. the distribution of each land-use type in mudstone area, and spatial information in years were integrated into gis by arcview. in the respect of ecosystem, ecological index in different periods were calculated based upon landscape ecological theory. to explain its meanings and the danger behind the bare mudstone area, the results indicated that mosaic gathering was caused by mudstone and thorn bamboo. the results illustrated that the ecological factor of landscape such as patch shape factor, and shannon evenness factor that have significant canonical correlation with water qualities and erosion of the study area. in study area, there are many styles of fracture, variation, and mosaic distribution landscape.
in southwestern taiwan, mudstone area covers broadly. the area scatters in chayi, tainan and kaohsiung, counties and cities, which takes up 3% of the total surface on taiwan island. mudstone area has soils with high salinity and high clay content. the soil becomes very hard when dry and very susceptible to erosion when wet. therefore revegetation is urgently needed in mudstone area, which is mainly located in southwestern taiwan. in the recent forty years, there were plenty of disturbances happened in the mudstone area in the southwestern taiwan, resulting in desertification, improper reclamation and management, and over fertilization on orchards, pollutions from farms, and improper land-use and so on. aerial photography showed that the bare area was only 2,532.58 ha in 1967; however, it increased up to 3,836.28 ha in 1987. in 1997, the satellite imagery from landsat tm showed the mudstone bare area was expanded to 11,179.5 ha (lin and chang, 1999), 3 times the area of the initial. the expand rate had been larger and larger these years, from 65 ha per year (1967-1987) to 730 ha (1987-1997), so that neither vegetation engineering nor natural vegetation could be built on it, and it would easily result into desertification, micro-climate change. these results may make reciprocal effect to endanger the mudstone area of southwestern taiwan (chang et al., 2001, 2002, 2003; chang et al., 2002 a, b; lin et al., 2003).