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application of genetic algorithm in the modeling of leaf chlorophyll level based on vis/nir reflection spectroscopy | 量子荧光|微型光纤光谱仪-ag贵宾会

application of genetic algorithm in the modeling of leaf chlorophyll level based on vis/nir reflection spectroscopy

in order to detect leaf chlorophyll level nondestructively and instantly, vis/nir reflection spectriscopy technique was examined. in the test, 70 leaf samples were collected for model calibration and another 50 for model verification. each leaf sample was optically measured by usb4000, a modular spectrometer. by the obsercation of spectral curves, the spectral range between 650nm and 750nm was found significant for mathematic modeling of leaf chlorophyll level. spad-502 meter was used for chemometrical measurement of leaf chlorophyll value. in the test, it was found necessary to put leaf thickness into consideration. the procedure of shaping the prediction model is as follows: first, leaf chlorophyll level prediction equation was created with uncertain parameters. second, a genetic algorithm was programmed by visual basic 6.0 for parameter optimization. as the result of the calculation, the optimal spectral range was narrowed within 683.24 nm and 733.91 nm, compared with the r2=0.2309 for calibration set and r2=0.5675 for verification set without concerns of leaf thickness, the effect of leaf thickness on the spectral modeling is significant: the r2 of calibration set and verification set has been improved as high as 0.8658 and 0.9161 respectively. the test showed that it is practical to use vis/nir reflection spectrometer for the quantitative determination of leaf chlorophyll level.


the evaluation of leaf chlorophyll level is essential for farmers to judfe the growing conditions of crops they plant. one of convenient ways to detect leaf chlorophyll is to use spad chlorophyll meter. spad is the short name of soil plant analysis development. minolta camera, japan, is the well-known manufacturer in the world producting a serial of spad meters. basically, spad meter measures the relevant ratio of the absorbance intensities of two bands of red light and near infrared light, and exhibits nor the real chlorophyll level but the "greenness degree" of the leaf it detects (minolta camera co. ltd, 1989). it is also widely used to measure the nitrogen level of plant so as to indirectly help farmers learn about whether the growing crop is lack of nitrogen (wu et al., 1998; chang et al., 2003; lopez-bellido et al., 2004; zhu zheyan et al., 2006; qiu zhengjun et al., 2007; hoel et al., 1998). in this way, the fertilizer can be exactly managed with the purpose of protecting ambient pollution, especially the water sources around. as for remotely monitoring the growth conditions of crops, however, spad meter shows its deficiencies, such as mechanical touching with the leave sample, shortage of other measurements like ph, water content, etc.


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