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lab-on-a-chip for field escherichia coli assays: long-term stability of reagents and automatic sampling system

afield lab-on-a-chip system was constructed to detect mouse immunoglobulin g (migg; model protein target) and escherichia coli (e. coli; model microorganism target) by using light scattering detection of particle immunoagglutination. the antibodies to these targets were conjugated to the submicron particles by covalent binding, and their long-term stability was evaluated. antibody-conjugated particles were able to be stored in a 4c refrigerator for at least 4 weeks and to be lyophilized as a powder form for the storage in room temperature. the optimum antibody coverage on the particles was 50% for migg and 100% for e. coli in terms of assay sensitivity and long-term storage of reagents. lab-on-a-chip device was fabricated from acrylic plate using an industrial-grade milling machine eliminating the need for photolithography and internal or external pumping. an automatic sampling system was constructed using drip emitters, such that the system can be connected to a pressurized water pipe for detecting e. coli. the automatic sampling system generated the same volume of droplets (70 ml) regardless of pressure. the developed system was successfully tested for e. coli presence in field water samples. the system can potentially be connected to pressurized pipe networks for drinking, processing, irrigation, and wastewater.

doi: 10.1016/j.jala.2010.01.011

the demand for detecting waterborne pathogens has been increasing because of the growing number of escherichia coli (e. coli, especially o157:h7) and salmonella typhimurium outbreaks in fresh produce and drinking water1e3. the number of e. coli o157:h7 outbreaks in united states, for example, has grown rapidly in the past 4 years: fresh spinach in 2006; taco bell (yellow onion) in 2006; ground beef in 2007, 2008, and 2009; and cookie dough in 2008.4 several biosensor technology methods for detecting waterborne pathogens have been attempted in recent years,5e8 although their use for field assays still seems to be in their preliminary stages. clearly, real-time and onthe- scene methods of pathogen detection are needed to keep the water and produce supplies safe for human consumption. waterborne pathogens can often survive for long periods of time on produce under various conditions.9e15 sinclair et al.16 also reported an epidemiological approach to monitoring sewer systems (and thus open channels) for early detection of pathogens that might be used as biological weapons, thereby allowing pathogen shedding before a community- level epidemic can begin.


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