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bioenabled sers substrates for food safety and drinking water monitoring

bioenabled sers substrates for food safety and drinking water monitoring

we present low-cost bioenabled surface-enhanced raman scattering (sers) substrates that can be massively produced in sustainable and eco-friendly methods with significant commercial potentials for the detection of food contamination and drinking water pollution. the sensors are based on diatom frustules with integrated plasmonic nanoparticles. the ultra-high sensitivity of the sers substrates comes from the coupling between the diatom frustules and ag nanoparticles to achieve dramatically increased local optical field to enhance the light-matter interactions for sers sensing. we successfully applied the bioenabled sers substrates to detect melamine in milk and aromatic compounds in water with sensitivity down to 1μg/l.

food and drinking water safety is now an omnipresent problem and is becoming a critical concern of the united states as well as in many developing countries such as china and india. centers for disease control (cdc) of the u.s. estimates that each year roughly 1 in 6 americans (or 48 million people) get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases. in china, numerous scandals such as gutter oil, baby formula, and mcdonald’s meat have raised food safety as the top social issue in recent years. the concern of drinking water is majorly caused by emerging contaminants as pointed out by the environmental protection agency (epa). for example, synthetic organic compounds are used heavily in our daily life in vast quantities for the production and preservation of food, in industrial manufacturing, as well as for healthcare of human and animals. most of these organic compounds ultimately enter urban wastewater system. although dilution and degradation during wastewater and sludge treatment removes significant amounts of the organic contaminants, many of them can still go into sewages sludge and cause groundwater and soil pollution [1].

alizarin dye based ultrasensitive plasmonic sers probefor trace level cadmium detection in drinking water

alizarin dye based ultrasensitive plasmonic sers probefor trace level cadmium detection in drinking water

alizarin functionalized on plasmonic gold nanoparticle displays strong surface enhanced raman scatter-ing from the various raman modes of alizarin, which can be exploited in multiple ways for heavy metalsensing purposes. the present article reports a surface enhanced raman spectroscopy (sers) probe fortrace level cadmium in water samples. alizarin, a highly raman active dye was functionalized on plas-monic gold surface as a raman reporter, and then 3-mercaptopropionic acid, 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylicacid at ph 8.5 was immobilized on the surface of the nanoparticle for the selective coordination ofthe cd(ii). upon addition of cadmium, gold nanoparticle provide an excellent hotspot for alizarin dyeand raman signal enhancement. this plasmonic sers assay provided an excellent sensitivity for cad-mium detection from the drinking water samples. we achieved as low as 10 ppt sensitivity from variousdrinking water sources against other alkali and heavy metal ions. the developed sers probe is quitesimple and rapid with excellent repeatability and has great potential for prototype scale up for fieldapplication.

heavy metal contamination is a growing concern worldwide.cadmium is one of the most toxic elements and widely foundin fertilizers, fuel combustions, plastics toys and several otherindustrial products. according to the centers for disease con-trol and prevention (cdc), cadmium ranks seventh out of 275hazardous substances in the environment [1,2]. cadmium con-tamination is frequently found in jewelry and battery operatedtoys and paints. a recent investigation showed up to 90% of ele-mental cadmium in more than 100 jewelry items for kids invarious stores in texas, new york, california and ohio [3]. num-ber of methods have been developed to detect cadmium such asinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (icp-ms), atomicabsorption spectrometry (aas), electrochemical sensing, fluores-cence turn on and off sensing techniques [4–11]. among manypopular methods, fluorescence is a highly reliable and sensitivetechnique for metal detection. kubo et al. [12], has reported astrategy based on the behavior of phenylboronic acids (pbas) andalizarin meoh solution for the anion and cation sensing.

synthesis andmultifunctionalpropertiesoflignosulfonate-stabilizedgoldnanoparticles

synthesis andmultifunctionalpropertiesoflignosulfonate-stabilizedgoldnanoparticles

various technicallignosulfonates(lss)wereusedasreducingandstabilizingagentsforanovelone-step synthesis ofgoldnanoparticles(ls–aunps)inaqueoussolutionatroomtemperature.asaresult,stable colloids ofls–aunpsareformedduringthereactionwiththeparticlesizebeingthefunctionofthels type. theobtainedls–aunpswerecharacterizedbyuv–vis spectrophotometry,sizedistribution(dls) and transmissionelectronmicroscopy(tem).theresultinggoldcolloidscanbeusedfordifferentpur- poses, e.g.aschemicalprobesforthepresenceofheavymetals,assignalamplifiers insurfaceenhanced raman spectroscopy(sers)oraselectrocatalystsasevidencedbypreliminarycyclicvoltammetrystudy (cv). theobtainedresultsclearlyindicatethepossibilityoflow-costproductionoflargequantitiesof colloidal gold–lignosulfonate nanoparticlesusingwastematerialsderivedfromrenewablesources.

the lasttwodecadeshavebroughtatremendousincreasein the applicationofnoblemetalnanostructuresinmany fields of science, particularlygold,owingtotheirattractiveandunique properties [1–3].

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