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  • 基于拉曼原理的气体测量技术具有分析速度快,装置简单,对水汽干扰不敏感,无需复杂分离预处理,可在线同时测量多种气体等优点,但过去拉曼在气体测量领域应用远远少于液态或固态样品测量,这是因为气体的拉曼散射截面相对较小,拉曼仪器的灵敏度不够造成的。现在随着光谱仪技术进步,仪器探测灵敏度在不断提高,拉曼气体检测的应用也随之大大增多,拉曼气体检测技术优势也越来越明显。

  • in 2008, an estimated 300,000 babies became ill in china after being fed milk powder adulterated with melamine. melamine is a flame-retardant plastic most often used in industrial products like plastics, adhesives, countertops, dishware and whiteboards. though the addition of melamine to food is not approved by the world health organization’s food commission, it was nevertheless added to watered-down milk to boost the nitrogen content. in doing so, manufacturers were able to fool tests designed to detect natural amino acids – tests to ensure that the protein content of milk products meets minimum acceptable levels for human consumption.
  • 食物中农药残留及非法添加剂已经越来越被消费者关注,科学家们也开发出越来越多的测试方法来保证食品的安全,从而确保消费者的安全。

  • 加工处理过的食品,比如粉末和液体,常常被掺入杂质;一些色素和香料等添加剂用来调制仿冒食品,或者被稀释、被替换等等,这些都很难检测出来。

  • in this application note, we investigate how spectroscopy can be used to distinguish real from artificial gemstones such as rubies and diamonds. discover how the minerals and organic materials that comprise gems have remarkable and often intriguing optical properties.
  • by some estimates, 10% of the world's food supply is adulterated or counterfeited in some fashion. using uv-vis, nir and raman spectroscopy techniques, product authenticators are helping to stem the flow of substandard and potentially harmful edible foods.
  • 进行拉曼分析的仪器品类丰富,包括适合手持式、实验室和教育用途的拉曼系统。 拉曼分析系统一般包括光谱仪、激光光源、操作软件和采样配件,客户可以根据自身要求选择模块化组件进行配置,也可以选择不同波长范围和分辨率要求的拉曼光谱仪。
  • 拉曼光谱通过分子的指纹图谱鉴别化合物,由于能够穿透玻璃塑料包材,做到快速无损检测,因此非常适合用于制药行业原辅料的确认。对原辅料的无损检测特点是不开封就可对包装瓶或袋内的样品进行鉴别,避免药品的污染和气体泄漏,同时提高了检测速度。

  • idraman mini innovative sampling technology overcomes limitations in handhel

  • 为了有效保障和促进社会治安持续稳定,切实加强客运、货运、寄递行业的安全监管。特别是在我国举办的奥运会、世博会等大型集会活动需求的拉动下,对违禁品安全检查的措施已经从机场、车站和会场扩展到地铁、轨道交通以及各种群体活动场所。


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