选用可控光源,分别用qe65000和nirquest512光谱仪,同时测得同一舌体在有光源和无光源两种条件下的漫反射光谱信息,并对光谱数据进行处理。实验结果表明,在620~950nm和1 000~1 150nm之间舌体内部的组织结构对光谱的漫反射强度较大,获得的舌体光谱图比较光滑,能较好地去除环境杂散光的干扰,测得的漫反射光谱也能更好地反映舌体内部组织成分,微循环状态等信息。为客观反映舌诊光谱信息提供了一种新的测试方法。
基于ccd 阵列探测器微小型光谱仪已普遍用于工业过程监测,与光纤传导和激光技术结合构成在线拉曼光谱测量系统,以其检测速度快和无损伤性等优点取代了传统的实验室测量方法。文中以ocean optics 公司的qe65000型光纤光谱仪为例,详细介绍了其特点以及拉曼光谱仪在生化反应工程、石油化工、制药工程和食品生产工业等领域的应用实例。
光谱仪的性能和样品运动速度是影响近红外光谱在线检测精度的重要因素,三款配置了不同光栅的短波光谱仪被用于在线检测苹果的可溶性固形物含量,分别考察不同光谱仪和五种苹果运动速度对苹果可溶性固形物在线检测精度的影响。经比较, 在0.190m/s 速度下, 使用qe65000 光谱仪建立的偏最小二乘模型预测结果最优。最优预测模型的相关系数为0.814, 预测均方根误差为0.776°brix。结果表明选择合适的样品运动速度和光谱仪可提高苹果可溶性固形物在线检测的精度。
indium molybdenum oxide (imo) films were deposited onto the polyethersulfone (pes) substrates by ion-beam-assisted evaporation (ibae) deposition at low temperature in this study. the effects of film thickness on their optical and electrical properties were investigated. the results show that the deposited imo films exhibit a preferred orientation of b(222). the electrical resistivity of the deposited film initially reduces then subsequently increases with film thickness. the imo film with the lowest resistivity of 7.61 × 10×4 ohm-cm has been achieved when the film thickness is 120 nm. it exhibits a satisfactory surface roughness rpv of 8.75nm and an average visible transmittance of 78.7%.
in the present study, we report on a simple optical method based on thin film interferometry for the swelling evaluation in polymer nanocomposite layers used for gas sensing applications. we show that white light interferometry can be profitably applied to characterize scattering materials such as polymer/carbon black nanocomposites. a properly adjusted experimental setup was implemented tomonitor the swelling behavior of the sensitive films in real device operating conditions. in particular, the behavior of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (phema) and of carbon black/phema nanocomposite layers, used for volatile organic compounds (vocs) detection, was investigated and measured under ethanol vapors exposure (max 1%). the method is very sensitive and the swelling in the range of only few nanometers can be measured. interestingly, we have found that the nanocomposite undergoes a more pronounced swelling process with respect to pristine polymer. ethanol diffusion coefficients in the nanocomposite were evaluated.
anodic oxidation is an electrochemical method for the production of oxide films on metallic substrates. it involves the application of an electrical bias at relatively low currents while the substrate is immersed in an acid bath. the resultant oxide films can be very dense and stable, showing a variety of colours and microstructural characteristics. in the present work, thick films of the anatase and rutile polymorphs of tio2 were formed on high-purity ti foil (50 μm thickness) using sulphuric acid solutions (1.5 m h2so4). the conditions of oxidation involved the application of potentials (5 to 350 v) and current densities (5 to 60 ma.cm-2) for 10 min at room temperature. the films were characterised using a digital photography, laser raman microspectroscopy, and field emission scanning electron microscopy (fesem). the thicknesses of the oxide films on ti were measured using a thin film analyser based on optical spectroscopy principles. the phase formation, colours, thicknesses, and microstructures of the films depended strongly on the applied voltage and current density. at a standard bias of 150 v, single-phase anatase was observed to form on ti at low current density (5 ma.cm-2) but, at higher current densities (up to 60 ma.cm-2), increasing rutile formation was observed.
选择合适的光谱仪是提高农产品品质在线检测精度的重要措施。3 款配置了不同探测器和光栅的微型短波ccd 光谱仪被用于在线检测苹果的可溶性固形物含量。分别考察了信噪比和不同光谱范围对可溶性固形物在线检测精度的影响,经比较, 在550.52~1100.35nm 光谱范围内, qe65000 光谱仪的信噪比最高, 偏最小二乘模型交叉验证结果最优。最优模型的相关系数为0.82, 交叉验证均方根误差为0.75obrix。结果表明: qe65000 光谱仪可提高苹果可溶性固形物在线检测的精度。