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文献 | 量子荧光|微型光纤光谱仪-ag贵宾会

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本文选择三家生产厂商主流型号的便携式拉曼光谱仪(分别为thermo truscan手持式拉曼光谱仪、ocean optics qe65000-raman 科学级拉曼光谱仪和b&w teki-raman系列bws415-785h型拉曼光谱仪),从仪器的表现特征、硬件性能与技术参数和软件功能方面的各项指标进行较全面的比较。在方法学评价方面,一法国jobin yvon公司labram-1b型显微拉曼光谱仪为“金标准”,以几种降糖药样品的不同剂型(片剂和胶囊)和其api对照品为工具样品,对3台仪器的综合性能进行比较。thermo仪器在便携性、简便性和软件功能方面具有明显的优势;ocean仪器在拉曼光谱质量与方法学评价方面及价格方面更胜一筹;b&w仪器在各方面的比较中均表现较好,故从整体考虑其将会是性价比最高的仪器。


番茄是茄果类蔬菜中非常重要的一种蔬菜,也是我省目前蔬菜种植业中的主要栽培作物之一。随着人们消费水平的提高和对无公害蔬菜需求量的增加,利用设施栽培解决蔬菜淡季供应成为重要措施之一。但是,设施栽培的出现必将导致蔬菜植物生长的小气候环境因子(光强、温度、湿度和 co2浓度)发生显著性的改变,对于本身喜光喜温特性显著的温室番茄生产更是如此。然而,有关番茄的研究多数集中在种子生理,生长发育生理。开花结实生理。壮苗生理,嫁接生理。矿质营养生理等方面,其中也涉及到一些的番茄光合特性测试报道,而且主要是环境因子对稳态光合响应特性的影响,对露地和设施番茄生产有着重要的指导意义。我们知道,无论是露地还是设施内,小气候因子会呈现连续性或骤然性的变化,植物叶片的光合系统也会跟随响应,即呈现瞬态响应对植物的光合作用产生显著的影响。因此研究中以瑞士先正达公司‘保罗塔’番茄为试材采用 ciras-2 光合测试系统和 qe65000 光纤光谱仪同步测试分析了番茄叶片光合系统各个参数的动态响应。分析了动态的光环境对番茄叶片光合作用的影响探索了动态光环境下限制光合作用的原因。

目的: 实时无创监测光动力治疗鲜红斑痣过程中病灶处的稳态反射光谱( steady-state diffuse reflectance spectroscopy),测定皮肤组织的血氧饱和度( sto2),吸收系数( μa) 和约化散射系数( μs) 。

在蓝光led照射光强阶跃与反阶跃下,采用ciras-2光合测试系统和qe65000光纤光谱仪,同步测试分析了番茄叶片光合系统的co2 吸收速率pn,胞间co2浓度c,气孔导度gs,叶绿素荧光f680参数的动态响应,光强发生阶跃升高时,各阶跃阶点或起点下番茄叶片pn动态进程均呈现从原稳态到终稳态趋饱和增加趋势,ci 均与pn 呈镜像对称的变化趋势,gs均呈现轻微的先下降后回升的变化趋势,f680 均呈现轻微起伏式骤然升高趋势;而光强发生反阶跃下降时,各反阶跃落点或起点下番茄叶片pn 的动态进程均与光强阶跃升高时相反。在200 μmol·m-2·s-1的相同阶跃量下,随着阶跃起点的增加,pn 从原稳态至终稳态的增幅逐渐减小。综合分析表明,在光强阶跃升高后,通过对叶绿素荧光f680动态变化计算的非饱和激发光下的实际光化学效率y(ii)′ 随着光强阶跃量的增加呈现趋饱和增加趋势,这表明与光能电子传递速率有关的光强水平阶跃升高会给光合碳吸收提供更多的能量驱动力,从而表现出pn 从原稳态到终稳态的趋饱和增加;而在光强阶跃升高后gs 均维持在较高水平,虽在很短时间内有小幅下降波动,但是对co2 进入胞间以及pn 的动态进程无显著影响;可是在光强阶跃升高后ci下降幅度较大,与光合暗反应对胞间co2 的快速吸收消耗有关,会对pn 的动态进程有一定程度影响。


with strong optical absorptivity and a widely tunable bandgap, graphene is an attractive material for optical and optoelectronic devices. [ 1,2 ] recently, emerging graphene quantum dots (gqds), single- or few-layer graphene only several nanometers in size, have been implemented in bandgap engineering due to quantum confinement [ 3,4 ] and edge effects, [ 5 ] which potentially can be exploited in new potential applications of graphene. specifically, fluorescent gqds with tunable emission are considered to be next-generation nanomaterials as a potentially inexpensive and safe alternative to semiconductor quantum dots (qds). [ 6,7 ] moreover, the chemical inertness and excellent biocompatibility of gqds make them attractive for use in bio-sensor, bio-imaging, and photovoltaic applications. [ 8–13 ] however, currently available gqds have several drawbacks, including i) limited synthesis methods that provide desired optical properties (i.e., quantum yields); ii) the lack of a mass production method to create gqds with uniform sizes and shapes without significant loss of their optical properties; iii) difficulty controlling the emission wavelength of the photoluminescence (pl); and iv) debate over the pl mechanism and contraints on the diversity of applications.

an integrated portable system based on a lab-in-a-capillary and a uv (190–400 nm) reflected fiber sensor was demonstrated for on-site detection of trace amounts of explosives in a micro-nanoliter droplet. the filtration and measurement of the residual explosive sample were integrated in a compact device. the micro-droplet (1 nl–1 ml) was loaded onto the capillary-end by the equilibrium between gravity and negative air pressure for uv spectral analysis. moreover, a new mixed spectrum decomposition algorithm (msda) was used to calculate the concentration of multiple explosives in the soil of the explosion site. this system for real-time explosive analysis features a short sample preparation and analysis time (<5 s), low sample consumption (10 nl), wide detection range (1–250 ng ml 1), low detection limit (<10 pg), and is easy to disassemble and clean, which fulfills the requirements for on-site explosive detection.

nio/zno heterostructures were fabricated on fto/glass and bulk hydrothermal zno substrates by pulsed laser deposition. x-ray diffraction and room temperature (rt) raman studies were consistent with the formation of (0002) oriented wurtzite zno and (111) oriented fcc nio. rt optical transmission studies revealed bandgap energy values of ~3.70 ev and ~3.30 ev for nio and zno, respectively and more than 80% transmission for the whole zno/nio/fto/glass stack over the majority of the visible spectrum. lateral p-n heterojunction mesas (~6mm x 6mm) were fabricated using a shadow mask during pld growth. n-n and p-p measurements showed that ti/au contacting gave an ohmic reponse for the nio, zno and fto. both heterojunctions had rectifying i/v characteristics. the junction on fto/glass gave forward bias currents (243ma at 10v) that were over 5 orders of magnitude higher than those for the junction formed on bulk zno. at ~ 10-7 a (for 10v of reverse bias) the heterojunction leakage current was approximately two orders of magnitude lower on the bulk zno substrate than on fto. overall, the lateral p-nio/n- zno/fto/glass device proved far superior to that formed by growing p-nio directly on the bulk n-zno substrate and gave a combination of electrical performance and visible wavelength transparency that could predispose it for use in various third generation transparent electronics applications.

利用激光诱导击穿光谱定量分析了铝合金中多种元素的成分?采用nd ∶yag 脉冲激光器, 在空气环境下烧蚀铝合金固体样品获得等离子体?利用多通道光栅光谱仪和ccd 检测器对200~ 980 nm 波长范围的光谱进行同时检测?研究了检测时延?激光脉冲能量?元素深度分布对光谱强度的影响, 考虑这些因素之后对实验参数进行了优化?在优化的实验参数下对国家标准铝合金样品中的八种元素si , fe , cu , mn , mg ,zn, sn 及ni 进行了定标, 并利用定标曲线对一种铝合金样品进行了定量分析?实验结果表明, 测量结果的相对标准偏差(rsd)最大为5.89 %, 相对误差在-20.99 %~ 15 %范围内, 说明对铝合金样品成分进行定量分析, 激光诱导击穿光谱是一种有效的光谱分析工具, 但是分析结果的准确度仍需要提高?


")); 光纤光谱仪