solid state diffusion plays a fundamental roll in most metallurgical processes. so, the correct experimental determinations of diffusion coefficients are then a necessary aspect to be considered in the physics of materials. in the last decades, several methods have been developed for this purpose: serial sectioning, residual activity, nuclear methods, rbs, etc. in this context the results of a series of experimental measurements of diffusion coefficients of cr, fe and h in different zr -based alloys by libs (laser induced breakdown spectrometry) technique are presented in this work. the primary goal is to implement this technique to measure diffusion coefficients, particularly in cases where conventional radiotracer techniques are difficult to apply, mainly by not having a suitable radioactive tracer. this technique allows a fast access to the values of relative concentration of the diffusing species without significant sample preparation and can be adapted to different geometries. besides, by means this technique, it is possible to determine the profile diffusion pattern of light elements, which are difficult to detect by other techniques. in those cases where it is possible, the results are compared to literature data.