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文献 | 量子荧光|微型光纤光谱仪-ag贵宾会

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本文采用hr4000cg-uv-nir 光纤光谱仪和ni-pcb 压力传感器测量了水下等离子体声源脉冲放电光谱和强声波的压力幅值,分析了声与光之间的能量转换关系,并重点观察了不同放电参数对光谱特征的影响。实验结果表明,等离子体声源脉冲放电光谱为连续谱,能量主要集中在500 nm 左右的谱段;放电产生的光能量和声波能量相互竞争,具有此消彼长的关系;提高放电电压,减小电极间隙距离可以提高光的辐射强度和半峰值谱宽度;增大电极间隙距离,将使发光能量向远紫外区移动;更换电极材料将明显改变光的谱分布和强度变化。


in this article we demonstrate white organic light emitting diodes (woleds) using yellow-emitting iridium complex bis(2-phenylbenzothiazolato) (acetyl-acetonate)iridium(iii) (ir(bt)2acac), as a dopant in the holetransporting layer (composed of n,n’-bis(3-methylphenyl)-n,n’-diphenylbenzidine (tpd) dispersed in poly(nvinylcarbazole) (pvk) matrix. bis(8-hydroxy-2-methylquinoline)-(4-phenylphenoxy)aluminum (balq) and bis(2-(2-hydroxyphenyl) benzothiazolate)zinc (zn(btz)2) were used as electroluminescent and electron-transporting materials. it was found that oled with 2.5 wt % ir(bt)2acac irradiated a white light which cie coordinates changed from bluish-white (0.28, 0.30) at 8 v, to yellowish-white (0.35, 0.40) at 20 v.

the monitoring of sulfur dioxide (so2) from industrial pollution emissions was studied in 10 the ultraviolet spectral range using a broadband absorption spectroscopic sensor. the sensor has a detection limit of 1 ppm, and was employed for two certified so2 concentrations in laboratory. the continuous 24 h measurements of concentrations and temperatures of so2 in the flue gas emitted from an industrial coal-fired boiler was performed in the field measurement campaign, which demonstrated the repeatability, sturdiness, and practicability of the sensor by analyzing the concentration variation 15 with gas temperatures and comparing the measured value with the true value of total release.

diamond like carbon (dlc) films have been deposited on amorphous glass substrate using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (pecvd) technique. the deposited films are pinholes free, uniform and good adherent to the substrate. as deposited dlc films get annealed in n2 atmosphere for 20 min in temperature range 300-500 °c, by 50o step at a time. ft-ir and optical transmission have been used to determine the changes in the dlc films by annealing. ft-ir results show a reduction in the hydrogen content upon annealing. the hydrogen losses start at 300 °c. by using tauc equation the nature of the optical transition has been confirmed and the value of the band gap has been evaluated.

this document is the final report for cooperative agreement de-fc26-04nt42314, “kinetics study of mercury reactions in fgd liquors.” the project was co-funded by the u.s. doe national energy technology laboratory and epri. the objective of the project has been to determine the mechanisms and kinetics of the aqueous reactions of mercury absorbed by wet flue gas desulfurization (fgd) systems, and develop a kinetics model to predict mercury reactions in wet fgd systems. the model may be used to determine optimum wet fgd design and operating conditions to maximize mercury capture in wet fgd systems. initially, a series of bench-top, liquid-phase reactor tests were conducted and mercury species concentrations were measured by uv/visible light spectroscopy to determine reactant and byproduct concentrations over time. other measurement methods, such as atomic absorption, were used to measure concentrations of vapor-phase elemental mercury, that cannot be measured by uv/visible light spectroscopy.

morpho蝴蝶呈现显著闪耀的蓝色光泽, 这与蝶翅表面的分级微纳结构密切相关. 将甲醇、乙醇、异丙醇3种折射率不同的液体滴加到鳞片表面, 鳞片结构反射率下降, 主波峰右移, 蝶翅变为黄绿色; 液体完全挥发后, 又还原为蓝色. 同时, 对典型蝶翅微纳结构进行建模, 仿真分析出液体滴加过程中反射率的变化规律. 进一步运用主成分分析方法对甲醇、乙醇、异丙醇滴加过程中反射率的实验和仿真数据进行主元提取和降维处理, 在三主元坐标系中得到反射率的变化曲线, 从而可以监测滴加液体时蝶翅结构的典型变色过程, 并且通过映射点密集分布区域能够直观辨识出不同液体. 上述结论为仿morpho蝶翅微纳结构的环境介质检测和数据分析提供了指导, 对其制造和应用具有重要的借鉴意义.

a method for the automatic synthesis of the ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (uv-vis-nir) absorption and transmission spectra of dye mixtures based on the absorption characteristics of their individual dyes is proposed in this paper. multiple linear regression models (mlr) of each dye are obtained using a fiber-optic set-up operating in the 200–1100 nm wavelength range. textile dyes are thick and dense and, consequently, optically opaque. this gives rise to high absorbance values which do not permit the direct comparison of different textile dye spectra for quality assurance purposes. the proposed multivariate method allows to construct a general model adjusted to the number and concentration of the dyes in the mixture. furthermore, this dye spectrum synthesis can provide the optimum dilution factor needed to compare two different dye mixtures and test their similarity degree. with the proposed system, the obtained spectral correlation coefficients between the measured and synthesized spectra of a dye mixture are greater than 99% for both the transmission and absorption spectra.

elastohydrodynamic lubrication (ehl) is the dominant mode of lubricant in highly stressed machine elements including gears, rolling contact bearings, cams and tappets. ehl studies describe the mechanism of lubrication in highly pressurized non-conformal contacts and they contribute to the effective operation of gears and other highly stressed machine elements. grubin and vinogradov [1] found that the heavily loaded ehl line contacts are governed by hydrodynamics, elastic deformation of the metal surface and the lubricate viscosity variation under extreme pressure (viscosity-pressure characteristics). theoretical studies and numerical solutions to ehl contacts have been reported by martin [2], downson and higginson [3], crook [4], cameron and gohar [5] and significant contributions have been made towards the complete understanding of the ehl mechanism. the theoretical revelations were later confirmed by experimental ehl techniques, especially in optical measurements. in this chapter, we review recent advances of optical techniques for ehl studies. in addition, we report the recent application of surface plasmon resonance (spr) sensing for the imaging of ehl point contact [6-8].

figure s1. spectral irradiance of xenon lamp solar simulator (black) used in eugenol photoenhanced ozonolysis study. for comparison, red lines show actinic flux at earth’s surface at 0° (solid) and 40° (dashed) zenith angles using best estimate surface albedo (finlayson-pitts and pitts, 2000, and references therein). spectral irradiance was determined by correlating the total integrated power (λ < 800 nm), measured using a newport oriel power meter, and the relative intensity as a function of wavelength, which was measured using an ocean optics ccd spectrometer (hr2000).


")); 光纤光谱仪