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文献 | 量子荧光|微型光纤光谱仪-ag贵宾会

学科: (80) (1) (26) (37) (1) (23) (28) (1) (2) (1) (19) (16) (7) (3) (8) (73)
应用: (2) (31) (36) (33) (53) (1) (93) (19)

biofilms are bacterial communities embedded in an exopolysaccharidic matrix with a complex architectural structure. bacteria in biofilms show different properties from those in free life thus, conventional methods of killing bacteria are often ineffective against biofilms. the use of plasmas potentially offers an alternative to conventional sterilization methods since plasmas contain a mixture of charged particles, chemically reactive species, and uv radiation. 4 and 7 day-old single-species and mixed biofilms were produced using two bacterial species. gas discharge plasma was produced by using an atomflotm reactor (surfx technologies) and bacterial biofilms were exposed to it for different periods of time. our results show that a 10-minute plasma treatment was able to kill 100% of the cells in most cases optical emission spectroscopy was used to study plasma composition which is then correlated with the effectiveness of killing. these results indicate the potentiality of plasma as an alternative sterilization method.

this paper reports monitoring fruits maturation using speckle technique. performed measurements aim the assessing of biological inner fruit variation effect on the speckle image. we show that the speckle grain size is both affected by the glucose level inside the fruits and by the chlorophyll content. moreover, the determination of circular polarization degree and circular grain size indicate that a rayleigh diffusion regime gradually becomes predominant in fruits. principal component analysis is used to highlight high correlation between results and strengthen the establishment of speckle as a novel non invasive method to monitor fruits ripening.

differences in absorption and/or scattering of cancerous and normal skin have the potential to provide a basis for noninvasive cancer detection. in this study, we have determined and compared the in vitro optical properties of human epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat with those of nonmelanoma skin cancers in the spectral range from 370 to 1600 nm. fresh specimens of normal and cancerous human skin were obtained from surgeries. the samples were rinsed in saline solution and sectioned. diffuse reflectance and total transmittance were measured using an integrating sphere spectrophotometer. absorption and reduced scattering coefficients were calculated from the measured quantities using an inverse monte carlo technique. the differences between optical properties of each normal tissue-cancer pair were statistically analyzed. the results indicate that there are significant differences in the scattering of cancerous and healthy tissues in the spectral range from 1050 to 1400 nm. in this spectral region, the scattering of cancerous lesions is consistently lower than that of normal tissues, whereas absorption does not differ significantly, with the exception of nodular basal cell carcinomas _bcc_. nodular bccs exhibit significantly lower absorption as compared to normal skin. therefore, the spectral range between 1050 and 1400 nm appears to be optimal for nonmelanoma skin cancer detection.

research into fingermark enhancement techniques has traditionally used visual comparisons and qualitative methods to assess their effectiveness based on the quality of the developed fingermark. however, with increasing research into the optimisation of these techniques the need for a quantitative evaluative method has arisen. parameters for acceptable fingerprint quality are not well defined and generally encompass clear, sharp edges and high levels of contrast between the fingermark ridges and background material. using these current parameters, a conclusive measurement of fingerprint quality and thus the effectiveness of development techniques cannot be achieved. this study presents a model through which an aspect of fingerprint quality can be objectively and impartially measured based on a relative contrast index, constructed through measuring the reflective intensity of the fingermark ridges against the background material. using a fibre-optic spectrophotometer attached to a microscope with axial illumination, the intensity counts of the ridge detail and background material were measured and a logarithmic contrast index constructed. the microscope and spectrophotometer parameters were experimentally tested using a standard colour resolution chart with known reflective properties. the protocol was successfully applied to four sample groups: black inked fingerprints on white paper; latent fingermarks on white paper developed separately with ninhydrin and physical developer; and fingermarks in blood deposited on white tiles and enhanced with amido black. the contrast indices obtained quantitatively reflect the level of contrast and provide an indication of fingerprint quality through a numerical representation rather than previous qualitative methods. it has been suggested that the proposed method of fingerprint quantification may be viable for application in the forensic research arena as it allows the definitive measurement of contrast to aid the evaluation of fingermark detection and enhancement techniques.

应用ci-700ab/hr2000 光纤光谱仪, 研究了川西横断山脉区北段不同海拔高度不同波长光质的绝对辐射量和金冠苹果果实品质等。结果表明:波长300 .39 ~ 871 .66 nm 随海拔高度升高其绝对辐射量呈上升趋势, 其中以波长300 .39 ~ 318.58 nm 和530.1 ~ 589 .1 nm 较为明显;872 .09 ~ 1 060 .33 nm 波长的绝对辐射量则随海拔的升高而降低, 并且降低的百分比越来越大。果肉总糖和果皮叶绿素含量随海拔高度升高先升高后降低;可滴定酸、维生素c 和果皮花青苷含量均随海拔升高而升高;蛋白质在1 720 m 处最大, 1 420 m 处最小;果皮类胡萝卜素随海拔升高而降低。综合考虑, 在沪州地区海拔1 720 m 的果实品质相对最好, 光质条件对果实品质的提高最有利, 是金冠苹果的优质高产适宜的海拔高度地带。

目前, 等离子体发射光谱应用于中频丙酮等离子体的研究鲜有报道。自建大气压氩∕丙酮喷射中频交流放电等离子体装置, 采用h r2000 光纤光栅光谱仪对放电光谱进行记录, 并对实验中的光谱信号进行分析诊断。研究结果说明, 对大气压环境下, 使用氩气为“ 载气” , 对可挥发有机溶剂进行等离子发射光谱分析是一种可行的技术;大气压下丙酮等离子体的活性成分和真空环境下丙酮等离子体产生的活性成分有很大区别, 氧元素对两种气压下等离子体活性成分有很大改变;这种诊断方法对大气压下挥发性有机试剂的等离子体化学反应原理的研究, 有重要的指导意义。此外, 文中展示了大气压下丙酮沉积膜在两种光源下的形貌图, 结果说明在一定实验条件下得到了连续的沉积膜。

应用ci- 700ab/hr2000 光纤光谱仪, 研究了田间自然光照条件下金冠苹果树冠内的光质分布及其与果实品质的相关性。结果表明, uv- a、可见光、总辐射、紫光和蓝光, 在树冠内分布从上到下、由外到内依次减弱, 并与果肉总糖、抗坏血酸、果皮花青苷和类胡萝卜素的分布呈极显著正相关, 与果肉可滴定酸和果皮叶绿素呈极显著负相关; uv- b 与此相近, 但与抗坏血酸呈不显著负相关; 红外线则与可见光相反。

采用自制的全息平场凹面光栅集成微型光谱仪, 搭建了微型光谱快速分析测试系统, 实现了雷尼替丁合成中间体中杂质甲醛的快速检测。利用酸性条件下甲醛-mbth-硫酸铁铵体系的显色作用, 通过优化甲醛测定条件, 建立了快速测定甲醛的方法。测定甲醛线性范围为0.04~ 0.20 μg · ml-1(r =0.993 8), 最低检测限达到0.04 μg · m l-1 。通过与uv-2550 岛津光谱仪及美国海洋公司h r-2000 微型光谱仪的对比测试实验, 对所建立的微型光谱检测系统和甲醛检测方法进行了实际测试和可靠性验证, f-检验法检验显示测试结果无显著性差异。实验结果表明微型光谱快速分析测试系统能满足实验分析、工业过程监测和临床医学检验样品的快速、实时检测的需求, 具有巨大的潜在应用市场。

近来市场上出现了一种玉石,商业名为“蓝线石”,笔者选取4粒具有典型特征的样品,采用偏光显微镜、红外光谱仪、拉曼光谱仪、x射线粉晶衍射仪和usb 4000光纤光谱仪对其进行测试分析,发现该玉石的主要矿物组成为石英和蓝线石,石英含量约为55%,蓝线石含量约为35%。石英大部分为集合体形态,石英颗粒呈半自形-他形结构,蓝线石的存在形式有两种,为单晶体和集合体,大部分单晶体以针柱状包裹体的形式存在于大颗粒的石英中,有的以长柱状形式与石英呈镶嵌状分布,集合体则呈放射显微球粒结构。样品中除了石英和蓝线石以外还有一些胶结物以及副矿物,约占10%,经过拉曼光谱测试确定暗色的副矿物为金红石。另外样品的紫外可见光谱显示437nm处铁致吸收峰,综合分析后认为该玉石的颜色为蓝线石成分导致,主要致色元素为fe。

提出了一种新的白光非本征法布里珀罗干涉(efpi)光纤传感系统的干涉谱处理方法, 在白光法布里珀罗干涉光纤传感系统中, 一个中心波长为850 nm 的发光二极管(led)作为宽谱光源, h r2000 高分辨力微型光谱仪用来测量返回的干涉光谱。通过跟踪干涉光谱中的特定谱峰点, 法布里珀罗干涉传感器的腔长值可以被解调出来。应用反向传播神经网络, 解决了单峰测量方式的级次模糊问题。反向传播神经网络能够分辨出干涉谱中不同谱峰的干涉级次, 因而可以进行多个谱峰的连续跟踪。从而实现了高精密度、大动态范围的测量。进行了基于这种干涉谱处理方法的白光法布里珀罗干涉传感系统的应变测量实验。利用该传感系统实现了精密度达0. 1 με, 500 με范围的应变测量。


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