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to test whether drought and aba application alter the effects of enhanced uv-b on the growth and biomass allocation of populus yunnanensis dode, cuttings were growth in pots at two aba levels, two watering regimes and two uv-b levels for one growth season. exposure to enhanced uv-b radiation significantly decreased plant growth and photosynthesis under well-watered conditions, but these effects were obscured by drought, which alone caused growth reduction. drought may contribute to masking the effects of uv-b radiation. the accumulation of uv-b absorbing compounds and the increase of the aba content induced by drought could reduce the effectiveness of uv-b radiation. aba application did not have large direct effects on biomass accumulation and allocation. evidence for interactions between uv-b and aba was detected for only a few measured traits. therefore, there was little evidence to support a pivotal role for aba in regulating a centralized whole plant response to enhanced uv-b. yet, we recorded an aba-induced decrease in stomatal conductance (gs) and increase in uv-b absorbing compounds and carbon isotope composition (δ13c) in response to enhanced uv-b. the allometric analysis reveled that regression models between root and shoot biomass in response to enhanced uv-b are different for plants under well-watered and drought conditions. enhanced uv-b led to a significant displacement of the allometric regrssion line under well-watered condition, while allometric trajectories for both uv-b regimes did not differ significantly under drought condition.

accurate estimation of spatially distributed chlorophyll content (chl) in crops is of great importance for regional and global studies of carbon balance and responses to fertilizer (e.g., nitrogen) application. in this paper a recently developed conceptual model was applied for remotely estimating chl in maize and soybean canopies. we tuned the spectral regions to be included in the model, according to the optical characteristics of the crops studied, and showed that the developed technique allowed accurate estimation of total chl in both crops, explaining more than 92% of chl variation. this new technique shows great potential for remotely tracking the physiological status of crops, with contrasting canopy architectures, and their responses to environmental changes.

in this study, we determined the effects of raising seedlings with different light spectra such as with blue, red, and blue red light-emitting diode (led) lights on seedling quality and yield of red leaf lettuce plants. the light treatments we used were applied for a period of 1 week and consisted of 100 mmol_m–2_s–1 of blue light, simultaneous irradiation with 50 mmol_m–2_s–1 of blue light and 50 mmol_m–2_s–1 of red light, and 100 mmol_m–2_s–1 of red light. at the end of the light treatment, that is 17 days after sowing (das), the leaf area and shoot fresh weight (fw) of the lettuce seedlings treated with red light increased by 33% and 25%, respectively, and the dry weight of the shoots and roots of the lettuce seedlings treated with blue-containing led lights increased by greater than 29% and greater than 83% compared with seedlings grown under a white fluorescent lamp (fl). the shoot/root ratio and specific leaf area of plants irradiated with blue-containing led lights decreased. at 45 das, higher leaf areas and fws were obtained in lettuce plants treated with blue-containing led lights. the total chlorophyll (chl) contents in lettuce plants treated with blue-containing and red lights were less than that of lettuce plants treated with fl, but the chl a/b ratio and carotenoid content increased under blue-containing led lights. polyphenol contents and the total antioxidant status (tas) were greater in lettuce seedlings treated with blue-containing led lights than in those treated with fl at 17 das. the higher polyphenol contents and tas in lettuce seedlings at 17 das decreased in lettuce plants at 45 das. in conclusion, our results indicate that raising seedlings treated with blue light promoted the growth of lettuce plants after transplanting. this is likely because of high shoot and root biomasses, a high content of photosynthetic pigments, and high antioxidant activities in the lettuce seedlings before transplanting. the compact morphology of lettuce seedlings treated with blue led light would be also useful for transplanting.

the nondestructive determination of plant biomass is not possible; however, crop-canopy sensors that determine the normalized difference vegetation index have the potential to estimate living biomass, which is indicative of plant vigor and stress. pot experiments using sand culture were conducted in 2002 and 2003 under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the effect of nitrogen (n) deficiency on corn biomass and reflectance. stress was imposed by implementing six to eight levels of n in hoagland's nutrient solution. canopy reflectance measurements made at three growth stages with a variety of handheld spectral sensors (active and passive were closely correlated with dry weight and chlorophyll meter readings of corn at flowering, as well as at the two earlier growth stages. results indicate that selected ground-based sensors and related reflectance indexes can provide a nondestructive, real-time assessment of apparent plant n status and thus be used for in-season n-management decisions.

the analytical development and underlying hypothesis of a three-band algorithm for estimating chlorophyll-a concentration ([chla]) in turbid productive waters are presented. the sensitivity of the algorithm to the spectral location of the bands used is analyzed. a large set of experimental observations ([chla] varied between 4 and 217 mg m 3 and turbidity between 2 and 78 nephelometric turbidity units) was used to calibrate and validate the algorithm. it was found that the variability of the chlorophyll-a fluorescence quantum yield and of the chlorophyll-a specific absorption coefficient can reduce considerably the accuracy of remote predictions of [chla]. instead of parameterizing these interferences, their effects were minimized by tuning the spectral regions used in the algorithm. this allowed us to predict [chla] with a relative root-mean-square error of less than 30%.

in the southeast of the qinghai-tibetan plateau of china, sea buckthorn (hippohae rhamnoides l.), which is a thorny nitrogen-fixing deciduously perennial shrub, has been widely used in forest restoration as the pioneer species. in our study, two contrasting populations from the low and high altitudinal regions were employed to investigate the effects of drought, ultraviolet-b (uv-b) and their combination on sea buckthorn. the experimental design included two watering regimes (well watered and drought stressed) and two levels of uv-b (with and without uv-b supplementation). drought significantly decreased total biomass, total leaf area and specific lead area (sla), and increased root/shoot ratio, fine root/coarse root ratio and abscisic acid content (aba) in both populations. however, the high altitudinal population was more responsive to drought than the low altitudinal population. on the other hand, elevated uv-b induced increase in anthocyanins in both populations, whereas the accumulation of uv-absorbing compounds occurred only in the low altitudinal population. the droughtinduced enhancement of aba in the high altitudinal and elevated uv-b.

 the effects of drought, enhanced uv-b radiation and their combination on plant growth and physiological traits were investigated in a greenhouse experiment in two populations of populus cathayana rehder originating from high and low altitude in south-west china. in both populations, drought significantly decreased biomass accumulation and gas exchange parameters, including net co2 assimilation rate (a), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (e) and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (pnue). however, instantaneous water use efficiency (wuei), transpiration efficiency (wuet), carbon isotope composition (δ13c) and nitrogen (n) content, as well as the accumulation of soluble protein, uv-absorbing compounds and abscisic acid (aba) significantly increased in response to drought. on the other hand, cuttings from both populations, when kept under enhanced uv-b radiation, showed very similar changes, as under drought, in all above-mentioned parameters.  compared with the low altitude population, the high altitude population was more tolerant to drought and enhanced uv-b, as indicated by the higher level of biomass accumulation, gas exchange, water-use efficiency, aba concentration and uv-absorbing compounds.  after one growing season of exposure to different uv-b levels and watering regimes, the decrease in biomass accumulation and gas exchange, induced by drought, was more pronounced under the combination of uv-b and drought. significant interactions between drought and uv-b were observed in wuei, wuet, δ13c, soluble protein, uv-absorbing compounds, aba and in the leaf and stem n, as well as in the leaf and stem c:n ratio.  our results showed that uv-b acts as an important signal allowing p. cathayana seedlings to respond to drought and that the combination of drought and uv-b may cause synergistically detrimental effects on plant growth.

photolytic production rates of no, no2 and oh radicals in snow and the total absorption spectrum due to impurities in snowpack have been calculated for the ocean-atmosphere-sea-ice-snowpack (oasis) campaign during spring 2009 at barrow, alaska. the photolytic production rate and snowpack absorption cross-sections were calculated from measurements of snowpack stratigraphy, light penetration depths (e-folding depths), nadir reflectivity (350–700 nm) and uv broadband atmospheric radiation. maximum nox fluxes calculated during the campaign owing to combined nitrate and nitrite photolysis were calculated as 72 nmol m_2 h_1 for the inland snowpack and 44 nmol m_2 h_1 for the snow on sea-ice and snowpack around the barrow arctic research center (barc). depth-integrated photochemical production rates of oh radicals were calculated giving maximum oh depth-integrated production rates of _160 nmol m_2 h_1 for the inland snowpack and _110–120 nmol m_2 h_1 for the snow around barc and snow on sea-ice. light penetration (e-folding) depths at a wavelength of 400 nm measured for snowpack in the vicinity of barrow and snow on sea-ice are _9 cm and 14 cm for snow 15 km inland. fitting scaled hulis (humic-like substances) and black carbon absorption cross-sections to the determined snow impurity absorption cross-sections show a “humic-like” component to snowpack absorption, with typical concentrations of 1.2–1.5 mgc g_1. estimates of black carbon concentrations for the four snowpacks are _40 to 70 ng g_1 for the terrestrial arctic snowpacks and _90 ng g_1 for snow on sea-ice.

to adequately image through a water column and to delineate variation in coral reef ecosystem benthic types, sensors having high spatial, e.g., a cirrus digital camera system (dcs), and spectral, e.g., the airborne visible infrared imaging spectrometer (aviris), resolution and high signal to noise are needed. further, there is a need to better understand the optical properties of coral reefs, seagrass, other benthic types, and water column constituents from field-collected data so current and future remote sensing can be optimized for coastal zone ecosystem research and management. in august 2004, we flew the aviris and dcs on a nasa er-2 over the florida keys and puerto rico. in march 2005, we flew aviris/dcs on the twin otter over kaneohe bay, oahu. also, in december 2005, we flew aviris/dcs on the twin otter over puerto rico and the us virgin islands for assessment of the 2005 caribbean coral reef bleaching event. for each of these deployments, we collected coincident spectral data from dominant bottom types and coral under various health conditions using a hand-held spectroradiometer. these spectral data will be used to classify the benthic types within the aviris imagery. an overview of the airborne missions and coincident field data collection will be presented along with preliminary image and field-collected spectral data products.

we developed and tested the use of light emitting diodes (leds) to monitor vegetation reflectance in narrow spectral bands as a tool suitable for quantifying and monitoring ecosystem structure, function and metabolism. leds are appealing because they are inexpensive, small and reliable light sources that, when used in reverse mode, can measure spectrally selective radiation.weselected leds in red and nearinfrared wavebands as they are used to calculate the normalized difference vegetation index (ndvi). the lab experiments revealed that the leds showed linear relation with a hyper-spectral spectroradiometer (r2 > 0.94 and 0.99 for red and nir, respectively) and marginal sensitivity to temperature. to test the efficacy of this novel sensor, we measured spectral reflectance with leds over an annual grassland in california over 3.5 years. the led-sensor captured daily to inter annual variation of the spectral reflectance at the two bands with reliable and stable performance. the spectral reflectance in the two bands and ndvi proved to be useful to identify the leaf-on and leaf-off dates (mean bias errors of 5.3 and 4.2 days, respectively) and to estimate canopy photosynthesis (r2 = 0.91). we suggest that this novel instrument can monitor other structural and functional (e.g. leaf area index, leaf nitrogen) variables by employing leds that have other specific wavelengths bands. considering that off-the-shelf leds cover a wide range of wavebands from the ultraviolet to near-infrared regions, we believe that the research community could explore a range of similar instruments across a range of bands for a variety of ecological applications.


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